Route opened

A lovely family walk that offers a wonderful view of the surrounding valleys and mountains.

The characteristics of the route.
Mont-Saxonnex (74)
  • Distance 7.8 km
  • Elevation gain 480 m
  • Elevation lost 480 m
  • Min. elevation 1147 m
  • Max. elevation. 1580 m
  • Duration (depending on pace) 3h
  • Marking Yes
Located at the foot of the majestic Massif du Bargy, Lac Bénit is a haven of tranquility for hikers. A hike without particular difficulty and ideal for families.

Many legends exist about this lake. The best known is the one that would have given it its name: it says that a bishop would have blessed the lake following an overflow and flooding of the village. This bishop would then have thrown his gold ring at the bottom of which he would still be there today...
Lac Bénit is located on the north face of the Bargy massif and straddles two municipalities of the Community of Municipalities Cluses Arve and Mountains (2CCAM): the municipality of Mont-Saxonnex and the municipality of Marnaz. Covering an area of ??4 hectares for a maximum depth of 8 meters, it was formed following a glacial retreat, more than 10,000 years ago. The site presents a mosaic of environments favorable to the presence of exceptional fauna and flora: the lake and its meadows, meadows, spruce forests, scree and cliffs. Due to its remarkable natural heritage and its unique landscape setting, Lac Bénit is included in the Natura 2000 site of the Bargy massif, designated to protect a certain number of habitats and species representative of European biodiversity. It is also in the process of being labeled Espace Naturel Sensible (ENS), a label awarded by the Department for sites intended to be preserved and promoted to the general public. This ENS policy is carried out at the local level by the Community of Communes Cluses Arve et Montagnes (2CCAM), which is responsible for the implementation of a management plan finalized in 2022: this document consists of drawing up an inventory of the site and actions to be implemented to reconcile attendance and preservation. All the fauna typical of the mountain environment can be observed there: ibexes, chamois, marmots... The site is also flown over by the bearded vulture, a large vulture reintroduced into the Bargy massif at the end of the 1980s. The lake and its surroundings are the refuge for many species: newts, toads and frogs, dragonflies and other insects, fish. The Lac Bénit site is marked by high visitor numbers and presents conflicts of use, particularly in connection with the work carried out by the alpine pastor on land grazed by the cattle herds that maintain the site. Attendance, if it is not channeled and respectful, induces significant disturbances both for the mountain pasture but also for the biodiversity of the site. The communities and the various local players are working to solve the problems encountered, in particular by implementing the actions defined in the site management plan.
Marking : Trail marked with directional posts (PDIPR)
Equipments : Picnic area, Sustainable development, Outhouse,
Good plans : Buvette du Lac Bénit open from Pentecost to September. Possibility of fishing in Lake Bénit from June. License on sale at the Tourist Office.

Admission fee : Free access. Guidebook on sale at the Tourist Office.

Opening : From 01/04 to 14/11.
Area : Cluses Arve & Montagnes
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