The Blue Valley Ebike Tour
23.6 km 90 m 90 m
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Point Information Vallée Bleue

The Vallée Bleue Home Information Point informs you about activities at the Leisure Centre and nearby.

Period of opening : From 07/09 to 31/12/2021
Opening hours on Wednesday between 2 pm and 6 pm. On Friday between 9 am and 12 pm and between 1 pm and 5 pm. On Saturday and Sunday between 1 pm and 6 pm.

Wheelchair access
Area : Balcons du Dauphiné
Etang de Lemps sensitive natural area

In the heart of Isle Crémieu lies the étang de Lemps, a representative pond of the wetlands in Nord Isère. This 23ha site is part of Optevoz and Saint-Baudille-de-la-Tour villages.
A thematic trail and an observatory with disabled access introduce visitors to the lake's aquatic life, including the remarkable European pond turtle, an endangered specie.

Emblem of the site, the pond turtle is a threatened specie due to the disappearance of its habitat. The étang de Lemps is an ideal environment (water, shade, adapted banks and dry slopes for the laying of eggs). the live, feed and breed at the water's edge.

How do you recognize it? It is about 20cm long, the males have red eyes and the females have small, yellow eyes. They have a black body with yellow dots.
Among the 457 plant species surveyed, there are orchids, marsh pennywort, southern adderstongue, European Michaelmas daisies...

Flora: 14 heritage species (Lax-flowered orchids, Anacampus palustris, Bombycilaena erecta, Marsh pennywort, Knautia Timeroyii, Spiny water nymph, Adder's tongue, Threadleaf crowfoot, Golden dock, Downy woundwort, Teucrium scordium, Common meadow rue, Southern bladderwort, Smooth vetch)

Fauna: 3 invertebrate heritage species (Small red-eye damselfly, Stag beetle, Desmoulin's whorl snail) 17 species of reptiles and amphibians (Agile frog, European pond turtle...) 130 species of birds (Little bittern, Reed bunting) , Kingfisher, Eurasian reed warbler, Great reed warbler...)

Habitats: 12 heritage habitats (eutrophic stagnant water, phragmites)

Animal are allowed on a leash
Area : Balcons du Dauphiné
Website Pdf file Pdf file Pdf file
Sortie Lo Parvi : Découverte des libellules

Period of opening : Wednesday 8 June 2022 between 2 pm and 5 pm.

Prices : Free of charge.
Access : From Grenoble: Take the A43 towards Lyon, exit 5 for Isle d'Abeau Ouest. Follow signs for Morestel and Montalieu-Vercieu on the D522. In Lancin, continue on the N75 to Montalieu-Vercieu. Turn left on to the D52 to Charette. Drive through the village and take the first road on the right.

