Balcon des Balais - Hiking trail
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Footbridges are damaged due to bad weather
Route closed

This hike offers lovely views over the valley, and lets you discover life in the mountain pastures. You'll discover the different hamlets of Valloire. You'll pass by the Pont du Diable! Finally, keep your eyes peeled for marmots.

Wild animalsfamily-friendlyIn the forestSummits and viewpoints
The characteristics of the route.
Parking de la Borgé (73)
  • Distance 7.6 km
  • Elevation gain 510 m
  • Elevation lost 510 m
  • Min. elevation 1433 m
  • Max. elevation. 1925 m
  • Duration (depending on pace) 3h
  • Marking Yes
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Marking : The trail is marked with yellow directional signs.
Good plans : - Find out about weather conditions before you leave. - This hike takes place in summer when there is no more snow. - Inform someone of your itinerary, as communication may be limited. - It's best to leave in the morning, so as not to be surprised by the dark, and let someone know if you're going alone. - The routes you take are your own responsibility. - Choose an itinerary suited to your physical and technical ability. If in doubt, don't hesitate to contact mountain professionals. - Make sure you're properly equipped for safe hiking and weather conditions. There are a few things you can do to make your hiking experience safer and more enjoyable. Walking poles (even on the road) improve balance, and regular hydration is essential. Carry a water bottle and snacks to keep your energy up. Protect yourself from the sun with sunscreen and sunglasses. Don't forget binoculars to add a touch of observation to your adventure. Finally, check weather conditions and avalanche risks before you set off. Inform someone of your itinerary, as communication may be limited. These small adjustments will help you make the most of your getaway.

Admission fee : Free access.

Opening : From 01/05 to 01/11. Subject to snow conditions.

Step by step description : Departure point: Parking de la Borgé. 1/ From La Borgé, climb up to the Gorges de l'Enfer. 2/ Cross the torrent (Pont du Diable) and join the Serroz. 3/ Take the tarmac road and follow it to the chapel in the hamlet of La Ruaz. 4/ Turn right against the chapel and follow the path to the bridge over the Benoit stream. 5/ Do not cross the bridge. Turn right onto a path under the trees and continue as far as Chalets de Beaujournal (ruined sheepfold) and then Les Balais. 6/ An old balcony path leads to the edge of the forest (marmots). From here, take the plantation path down to Pont du Diable and La Borgé.
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