Green Beaujolais - The Pyramid Forest - Loop 3.2
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Route opened

The Beaujolais Vert is a perfect area for regular cycle hikers looking for a difference in altitude. Among the 6 loops, 3 are rated “difficult” and 3 “very difficult”!

The characteristics of the route.
Lamure-sur-Azergues (69)
  • Distance 28.5 km
  • Elevation gain 640 m
  • Elevation lost 640 m
  • Min. elevation 381 m
  • Max. elevation. 736 m
  • Duration (depending on pace) 2h15
  • Marking Yes
Sports side:
This forest course, on little frequented roads, is a rather difficult circuit although short. A short 6 km warm-up before getting down to business: ascent of the Col de la Croix Rosier with a 7% climb over 3.5 km, recovery with a 2 km descent and finally the ascent of the pass from the Montmain cross climb at 5.5% over 2.5 km.
There are still 14 km to go, mostly downhill, which allows you to recover well. For experienced cyclists, the sequence of routes 3.1 and 3.2 can constitute a challenge of approximately 68 km with a drop of 1,400 m and the passage of 6 passes.

Tourism side:
As a Sensitive Natural Area, the Massif de la Pyramide benefits from sustainable management that involves diversifying forest species, conifers and hardwoods, to adapt to climate change. A choice that combines public reception, forestry production and the environment.
The hike allows you to rub shoulders with its marked reliefs, criss-crossed by ridge lines. Natural border erected between the valleys of Azergues and the Saône, it offers panoramas on very different landscape facades from east to west.

Admission fee : Free access.

Opening : All year round. Subject to favorable weather.
Area : Haute Vallée d'Azergues
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Website Details - La Forêt de la Pyramide Bike & Cheese !
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Pizzeria "Somewhere Else"
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Les Vieux Murs
