The chapel of Grevilly - Beaujolais Vert - Saint-Forgeux
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The attractions of the route
An easy hike where the gentle hills underlined by the bocage and the steep slopes covered with forests of the Tarare mountains meet.

The characteristics of the route.
Saint-Forgeux ()
  • Distance 7.8 km
  • Elevation gain 290 m
  • Elevation lost 290 m
  • Min. elevation 374 m
  • Max. elevation. 591 m
  • Duration (depending on pace) 2h40
  • Marking Yes
A stage in relaxation and observation mode at the chapel of Grévilly. On the site, an orientation table invites you to lean on your elbows to name the surrounding reliefs seen throughout the first half of the walk: the Monts de Tarare and the Monts d'Or, the Jura, the Alps…
The chapel of Grévilly, the oldest religious building in Tararois which has survived the centuries since the Middle Ages. Its walls are covered with ex-votos.

When and how to take advantage of it?
By choosing the site of the Grévilly chapel for a picnic.
In the summer when the gardens come to life and the flowers colour the meadows.
On an Afghan march to soak up both the clear horizon and the undergrowth.
By scanning the sky in search of the multicoloured sails of the paragliders which regularly fly over the place.
Equipments : Car park, Picnic area,

Admission fee : Free access.

Opening : All year round. Subject to favorable weather.
Area : Pays de Tarare
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Aire d'Accueil et de Service de Saint-Forgeux
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