La sortie course à pied peut laisser des traces sur vos mollets, mais pas sur les sentiers. Rappel de quelques règles de bases :
km 1. Respecter la nature
NB : Dans le coeur du Parc National des Cévennes, des règles particulières s'appliquent. Vous pouvez les consulter ici
Km 2. Respecter autrui
Km 3. Se respecter
Le patrimoine de la Lozère est riche, mais aussi fragile. Il vous accueille avec plaisir, alors respectez-le pour conserver son attrait…
To orient you during your run, routes of the Lozère Trail Nature are equipped with trail directional markers. Each marker is printed with the number(s) of the itinerary(s) to be followed with their colour of difficulty (green - blue - red - black). Beacons with a cross on them mean "wrong direction".
The appearance of the trail markers differs slightly in the heart of the Cévennes National Park (yellow background). This is due to specific park regulations but does not change the way it works.
The trail markers are placed in a regular way, at each directional change. Between two trail directional markers, if you hesitate, follow the existing markers (painting or VTT markers) or the purple paint markers. If it is necessary to follow other markings than the dibond Trail markers, this will be indicated on the starting signs and on the first directional markers.
With this mobile app embark the trail-running routes of Lozère trail Nature in your smartphone and discover the places to visit during your stay.
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