La Fage – trail #11
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Route opened

Partez à la découverte des gorges du Bramont et de son village « La Fage », riche en patrimoine vernaculaire.
Une boucle accessible à tous, qui permet de découvrir des beautés cachées de La Lozère !

Explore the Bramont gorge and the village of La Fage with its many vernacular heritage features.

At the water's edge
The characteristics of the route.
Saint-Etienne du Valdonnez (48)
  • Distance 9.4 km
  • Elevation gain 380 m
  • Elevation lost 380 m
  • Min. elevation 868 m
  • Max. elevation. 1213 m
  • Duration (depending on pace) 1h18
  • Marking Yes
Follow the waymarks for trail #11
Signposts will guide you all along this route. In the description below, the signposted place names and/or directions are given in bold italics between quotation marks:

Starting at "Saint-Etienne du Valdonnez”, go to “La Fage” via “Gorges du Bramont”, “Passerelle du Bramont” and “La Borie”. At “La Fage”, return to “Saint-Etienne du Valdonnez” via “Bassy”, “Chemin de Bassy”.

This trail is taken from the guidebook Mont Lozère – Pays des sources, de la montagne du Goulet aux gorges du Bramont, published by the Pôle de pleine nature du mont Lozère.

Parking : City hall
Area : Espace Trail Mont Lozère
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finished in 01:07:00
The 2023/02/19
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