Route opened

Une belle randonnée pour sillonner les plateaux du Cézallier tout en profitant d'une jolie vue sur les Monts du Cantal et la Margeride.

The characteristics of the route.
Peyrusse (15)
  • Distance 9.9 km
  • Elevation gain 330 m
  • Elevation lost 330 m
  • Min. elevation 923 m
  • Max. elevation. 1139 m
  • Duration (depending on pace) 3h
  • Marking Yes

Marking : Yellow markings
Equipments : Car park, Free car park,
Good plans : -For your safety, please check the weather forecast before setting off on your hike. -To preserve the environment in which you are located, please avoid leaving garbage in nature. -Remember to take the appropriate equipment for the weather conditions and the hiking itinerary (hiking boots, water bottle, cap, sunglasses, jacket...).

Delicate passages : Mountain biking not recommended.

Admission fee : Free access.

Opening : All year round. Subject to favorable weather.
Read before you go!
Mountain biking not recommended.
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Le Fromentou - Jouve-Teissedre Stéphanie
Jouve Pascal furniture
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Farm campsite - Les Carlines
Hotel-restaurant Les Voyageurs
