To orient you during your run, routes of the Espace Trail Pays des Aiguilles d'Arves - Vallée des Villards are equipped with trail directional markers. Each marker is printed with the number(s) of the itinerary(s) to be followed with their colour of difficulty (green - blue - red - black) or their particularity (orange = vertical).
The trail-running markers are placed in a regular way, at each directional change. Between two trail directional markers, follow the existing hiking markers.
A problem ? Report it ! In the event of problem (lack of markings, maintenance problems, environmental problems...), do not hesitate to signal this problem by using the reporting tool available on the route page (button under the map). You will be able to geolocate the problem and also send a corresponding photo. The Espace manager will be automatically notified of your report and will be able to check and deal with the problem.
Before your run :
On the routes :
Herd vigilance
If you come across herds and their guard dogs :
Before you go, find out more about hunting periods and days. Hunting season 2024: from 10 September 2023 to 28 January. Hunting possible from 15 August. Hunting days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.