Randonnez entre mer et montagne...

Explorez la splendeur préservée de Lisula à travers nos sentiers, véritables témoins de l’histoire et du lien entre nos villages de l'arrière-pays. Avec plus de 350 km, nous vous proposons une diversité d’expériences allant des rivages escarpés de notre littoral aux panoramas majestueux des montagnes du Ghjunsani. Nos itinéraires empruntent les anciens chemins muletiers, permettant ainsi une immersion totale dans notre patrimoine culturel. Choisissez parmi les boucles pittoresques reliant les villages, des sentiers côtiers offrant une vue imprenable sur la mer méditerranée ou des circuits montagneux pour les amateurs de défis.

Les sentiers du patrimoine vous guident à travers des sites riches en histoire, révélant les trésors cachés de notre région. Que vous soyez randonneur chevronné ou novice, nos parcours varient en difficulté pour convenir à tous les niveaux, avec des durées de marche d’une heure à plus de six heures.

Préparez-vous à une expérience immersive en pleine nature, où chaque sentier raconte une histoire, chaque virage dévoile un paysage à couper le souffle, et chaque pas vous rapproche un peu plus du charme authentique de Lisula. Bienvenue dans un des paradis de la randonnée où l’aventure vous attend au cœur du maquis.

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Areas :
Rando 1 : Corbara - Pigna - Varcale
10.1km 330m 330m
Route opened
Rando 2 : Boucle de San Ciprianu
6.2km 250m 250m
Route opened
Rando 3 : Corbara - Carbunaghja
3.8km 220m 220m
Route opened
Rando 4 : Tour de la Cima Sant'Anghjulu
8.8km 430m 430m
Route opened
Hiking n°5 - Walk around the hamlets of Santa Reparata di Balagna
3.7km 150m 150m
Route opened
Rando 6 : Giru L'Île-Rousse - Sta Reparata - Monticello
12km 410m 410m
Route opened
Rando 7 : Boucle du barrage de Codole
11.4km 320m 320m
Route opened
Rando 8 : Funtana Suprana
1.5km 40m 40m
Route opened
Rando 9 : Fiuminale Cala d'Alivu
7.4km 280m 280m
Route opened
Rando 10 : Boucle de la Vallée d'Arbo
7.7km 270m 270m
Route opened
Hiking 11 : Santa Reparata tour
11.8km 580m 580m
Route opened
Rando 12 : Giru Occiglioni-Palmentu
6.1km 290m 290m
Route opened
Rando 13 : Boucle autour de L'Île-Rousse
39.5km 1520m 1520m
Route opened
Rando 14 : Boucle de Saleccia
11km 260m 260m
Route opened
Rando 15 : Sentier E Spelonche
9.3km 400m 410m
Route opened
Rando 16 : Boucle de Sant'Antone
11km 690m 690m
Route opened
Rando 17 : Monte Astu
13.2km 1060m 1060m
Route opened
Rando 18 : Boucle de Casenove
3.7km 210m 210m
Route opened
Hiking 19 : Loop of Algajola
7.1km 80m 80m
Route opened
Rando 20 : Tour des villages du Ghjunsani
14.5km 690m 690m
Route opened
Rando 21 : Boucle de San Bastianu
5.6km 270m 270m
Route opened
Rando 22 : Boucle de Giustiniani
8km 380m 380m
Route opened
Rando 23 : Boucle de Sant'Andria (Feliceto)
3.4km 130m 130m
Route opened
Rando 23 : Boucle de Sant'Andria (Nessa)
4.7km 210m 210m
Route opened
Hike 24 : Giru di a cima Tornaghja
8.6km 340m 340m
Route opened
Rando 25 : Natura 2000 - Vallica
7.2km 370m 370m
Route opened
Hiking 26 : Montegrosso - Muro - Zilia
11.8km 810m 810m
Route opened
Hiking 27 : Focolara
16.5km 1070m 1070m
Route opened
Hiking 28 : Revellata
13.7km 280m 280m
Route opened
Hiking 29 : Montegrosso
5.2km 210m 210m
Route opened
Hike 30 : Prunicciale
8.7km 270m 270m
Route opened
Rando 31 : Lama heritage path
3.4km 230m 230m
Route opened
Rando 32 : Forcili heritage path
2km 80m 80m
Route opened
Hiking 33 : Occi
4.7km 280m 280m
Route opened
Marking signs to follow

Hiking routes are signposted with paint markings of different colours. Hikers will also find wooden signposts along the paths, systematically and uniformly indicating directions.


Safety and fun : our priority

Plan your next outdoor trip carefully.

Safety first : I share my itinerary and planned times with someone close to me for shared peace of mind. I use our mobile app to check the condition of the route before I set off

Check your equipment : make sure it's in good condition and suitable for the activity you're undertaking.

Weather conditions : I check the weather forecast to prepare and make the most of my trip. Routes can be dangerous in bad weather

Hydratation is essential : jI need to carry enough water. Some of the stages in the villages allow you to stop at a bar or café for refreshment, but most of the fountains in the hinterland do not have drinking water and there are no water points in the Agriate region. You should also take some food with you.

Fire danger : During periods of strong wind, it is advisable to stay off the country roads. The macchia can catch fire quickly. The risk is highest from mid-June to mid-September. Before setting off, consult the Corsican Prefecture's fire risk map (see fire risk news).

All sections of the route on public roads are subject to the Highway Code. Make sure you obey them.

On the paths: enjoy while preserving

Gates and fences: I make sure I close the gates on the paths to respect private land and pastures.

Respect for nature: I respect the environment by not leaving rubbish on the paths. I will sort it out on my way home. I stay on the paths and respect the natural and agricultural environment I pass through.

Pets: If I walk with a dog, I make sure it doesn't go near the herds. I may even keep it on a lead to avoid any incidents.

CHunting: During the hunting season, especially when wild boar are hunted from mid-August to May, I have to be vigilant. If a hunt is in progress, I take the time to talk to the hunters to ensure everyone's safety.

Approaching animals: I walk around herds or let them pass. If I see wild animals, I admire them from a distance to preserve their natural habitat.

Protected areas: preserving natural treasures

Tartagine Melaghja forest in Ghjunsani (Natura 2000 site): I respect the rules to protect nature in these exceptional forests.

Vallée du Reginu (Natura 2000 site): I admire the biodiversity while respecting the restrictions to preserve this unique but fragile ecosystem, where the red kite has flourished for many years.

The Agriate (Conservatoire du Littoral): protected by the Conservatoire du Littoral, the Agriate is a natural jewel. I follow the recommended itineraries and do not bivouac or light fires. Losari (Conservatoire du Littoral): I explore the uncontaminated beauty of Losari, following the recommended itineraries and avoiding any disturbance to the flora and fauna. Ostriconi: I contribute to the preservation of this fragile ecosystem by avoiding any behaviour likely to disturb the flora and fauna.

A marking problem ? Report it !

In the event of problem (lack of markings, maintenance problems, environmental problems...), do not hesitate to signal this problem by using the reporting tool available on the route page, on the website (button under the map) or in the mobile app. You will be able to geolocate the problem and also send a corresponding photo. The Espace manager will be automatically notified of your report and will be able to check and deal with the problem.
