Chapelle San Michele
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The pretty chapel of San Michele Arcangelo is located in the cemetery above Novella. It is difficult to date because it has been entirely rebuilt, but it is highly likely that its origins go back to the 12th or 13th century.
Little is known about the chapel of San Michele Arcangelo located on a platform overlooking the landscape on the edge of the cemetery. In 1646, Monsignor Marliani mentions that in his time the parish church was dedicated to San Michele, but that due to the distance of this church, the parish functions were carried out in Santa Croce. This brief note corresponds to the present-day San Michele chapel: it is, in fact, located outside the village. It can therefore be assumed that it was founded in the past but has been extensively altered: the semicircular apse has been replaced by a flat chevet, the south door has been transformed into a window, which is suggested by the font visible inside, and the roof structure has been replaced by a barrel vault, which required the construction of buttresses on the outside. The altar is raised by two steps. The small nave is 10.10 m long and 4.30 m wide. Above the altar is a beautiful painting of St Michael below a Virgin and Child (18th century but with many repaints). Pretty floral motifs underline the edges of the vaults. The floor is paved with terracotta tiles laid out either in a broken stick or in parallel lines. A file for the interior restoration is underway.

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