The villages of Balagne ...Avapessa
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Thriving soils and olive fragrances... Witnesses of a fertile land where oil farmers and herdsmen perpetuate the delightful tastes and traditions of Balagne.
Occupying a fertile territory of 330 ha, formerly called "acqua spessa" and known for its important agricultural activity, the municipality of about 80 souls extends from the plain of Reginu to the heights of Capu di Bestia, culminating at 804 meters. altitude.

Around 1850, the town had 300 inhabitants, the smallest plots being planted with cereals, vines, orchards, mulberry trees and chestnut trees, each family having its own garden and especially more than 50 hectares of olive trees, mostly dating from the 18th century.

Breeding, mainly sheep, held an important place.
If agriculture has declined as it has everywhere, olive growing has held up well (even today the village is renowned for the quality of its olive oil) and shepherds still have some 700 sheep and 150 cattle.

Identity mark of the village, the bell tower of the baroque Sainte-Marie church dominates the roof of particularly neat houses. The other chapel and the defensive tower have disappeared to cede their stones to the construction of houses and the wine press.


Church of Saint Mary: Built in 1618 with some of the stone from the ancient church of Santa Maria Assunta, which has since disappeared. The rest of the stone was used to build a wine press. This Baroque church features a square multi-level bell tower and is home to the San Carlu friary.

Saint Michael's Chapel

Oil mill

Fruit gardens

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Tomasini Jean-Louis
Santa Maria Church
Avapessa Fruit Botanical Garden
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