The villages of Balagne ...Lumio
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When the expression of stone is enhanced by the magic of light... Protected by towers and drenched in the golden light of Balagne, this iconic village, so cherished by Laetitia Casta, overlooks the sea and the tip of Spanu.
Located at 200 m. altitude, the village whose houses are gathered around its church offers the magic of light and releases the perfumes of its wine.

In the Neolithic, at Monte d'Ortu there was already a community that had formed a village.
In the 6th century, these places were ruined and emptied of inhabitants by the Barbary incursions, then the Moors used the port of Spanu to trade with Spain and the place became prosperous again: the village of Lumio was concretely founded in the 15th century.

At 377 m above sea level, above Lumio, is the ruined village of Occi. Lumio was reunited with the commune of Occi on April 29, 1852. Occi was a commune of 840 hectares which dominated the shores to protect itself from various invasions, in particular those of the Moors.
The ruins of this village can still be seen today.

The Navy of Sant'Ambroggio completes the set: a real tourist complex it includes a marina with 180 berths, equipped with a harbor master's office and a refueling station, and a set of small residences in seaside. Club Med has set up a holiday village there.
On site, there are all the shops necessary for daily life.


Parish church of Saint Mary dating from 1800.

Saint Antoine church, built in 1590. Adjoining Saint Mary's church, it was converted into a friary when it became too small to accommodate the parishioners.

Chapel of Saints Peter and Paul: an 11th-century Romanesque building, classified as a historical monument since 1992 thanks to its exterior. The church is thought to have been built on the site of the paleochristian chapel which had itself been built on the location of an ancient pagan temple.

U Carrubu: a massive stone structure topped by arches, built during the 18th century at the initiative of Abbot Ignace Colonna de Leca as a shelter for the destitute and a school for the children. The polyphonic group Corse A Filetta have made it their rehearsal studio.

Occi village ruins: can be reached via a heritage trail that makes a loop from the village - Approximate duration: 1 hr 30 mns.

Events: "A Fiera di u Pane" Bread Fair (July), and regular concerts at the church from April to October

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