The Shores of Corbara
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The shores of Corbara, near L'Ile-Rousse, offer a diverse coastal landscape with a succession of beaches and coves. The site includes two dune areas separated by a housing estate and framed by a railway line and the sea. Despite the visible human pressure, these habitats are home to exceptional biodiversity that deserves special attention.

The dunes found on the rocky points between the Bodri and Ghjunchitu beaches are of significant heritage interest due to their rarity in Corsica. These ancient geological formations are unique and add to the ecological value of the site. The paths lined with dry stone and the ancient straw barns bear witness to the region's agricultural past, dominated by grazing and cereal growing, traditional activities in the Balagne region. A restored vaulted straw hut at Percepina is a reminder of the rudimentary shelters used by shepherds during the winter season.

The vegetation on the shores of Corbara is varied and complex, including low scrubland with oleaster, mastic and white oak, as well as cultivated plots, former gardens and high scrubland. The coastal dunes are home to thickets of large-fruited juniper, a habitat that is in serious decline in Corsica. Local place names, such as Punta di Ginebre, underline the age of this vegetation.

Among the plant species present, the sea grape is relatively abundant, and rarer species such as the African tamarisk, the three-pointed matthiola, the fly arum and the clematis cirrheuse can also be seen. Although less common, these plants enrich the biodiversity of the site.

Despite the challenges posed by urbanisation and human activity, Corbara's shores remain a precious reservoir of coastal biodiversity. Their conservation is essential to preserve these unique habitats and the species they shelter.

BaySeashoreInletNatural heritageBathing breakNatural beachPanoramic view
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Camping Le Bodri
Bodri bungalow
Atelier Création de bijoux BdeH
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