Mont Lozère in a nutshell, (variant) Trail #14V
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A condensed version of Mont Lozère, where you will discover the summit of Finiels, the pass and the standing stones of Mont Lozère in a few strides !

Pass and summitWeak elevation gain Ideal in summerViewpointChilly route
The characteristics of the route.
Station du Mont-Lozère (48)
  • Distance 9.3 km
  • Elevation gain 300 m
  • Elevation lost 300 m
  • Min. elevation 1412 m
  • Max. elevation. 1699 m
  • Duration (depending on pace) 1h
  • Marking Yes
A short steep climb to start with, then a more runnable track for three kilometres. Take the time to enjoy the panoramic views from the ridge. 
A steeper section on a narrow path to reach the summit. Time for photos – and windcheaters! 
A stroll on the ridge, then an enjoyable descent on the GR®70 long-distance hiking path, punctuated by mythical cairns. 
This trail is a short version of the trail "Mont Lozère in a nutshell", #14.

Follow the waymarks for trail #14v.
Signposts will guide you all along this route, as well as yellow painted waymarks. In the description below, the signposted place names and/or directions are given in bold italics between quotation marks:

From "Station du Mont-Lozère", go to "Parking des Chômeurs" via "La Chapelle du Mont Lozère". 
Then head to "Sommet de Finiels" via "Route des Chômeurs".
At "Sommet de Finiels", return to "La Station du Mont-Lozère" via "Col de la draille", "Parking des chômeurs", "La Chapelle du Mont-Lozère".

This trail is taken from the guidebook Mont Lozère – Pays des sources, published by the Pôle de pleine nature du mont Lozère.

Parking : Station du Mont Lozère
Read before you go!

Sommet souvent venté, penser au coupe-vent. A éviter par fort brouillard ou fort vent et vigilance particulière par temps de neige et/ou brouillard.

Attention présence possible de chien(s) de protection (patou-s) sur le secteur, adaptez votre comportement.

Avant de vous engager sur un circuit, vérifiez qu'il est adapté à votre activité et à votre niveau. N'oubliez pas que le temps change vite en montagne. Refermez bien les clôtures et les portillons. Restez sur les chemins balisés.

Area : Espace Trail Mont Lozère
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