A short climb to Le Viala on a pleasant forest path. From there on, the slope becomes gentler but you continue uphill to the hamlet of Racoules, which has a beautiful viewpoint onto the upper Tarn valley and the Causse Méjean plateau. To return to Le Viala, you use a magnificent cobbled path under cover of the chestnut trees. You finish where you started.
Follow the waymarks for trail #22. Signposts will guide you all along this route, as well as yellow painted waymarks. In the description below, the signposted place names and/or directions are given in bold italics between quotation marks:
Starting at "Pont-de-Montvert", go to "La Destourbe", “Le Viala”. From “Le Viala”, do the clockwise loop "Le Viala", "Racoule", "Le Viala".
This trail is taken from the guidebook Mont Lozère – Pays des sources, published by the Pôle de pleine nature du mont Lozère.
Parking : Car park at the Temple (Protestant church)
Read before you go! En haute saison, stationnement difficile dans le village ; privilégiez le parking indiqué en sortie du village. Avant de vous engager sur un circuit, vérifiez qu'il est adapté à votre activité et à votre niveau. N'oubliez pas que le temps change vite en montagne. Refermez bien les clôtures et les portillons. Restez sur les chemins balisés.