Rando 8 : Funtana Suprana
Route opened 1.5 km 40 m 40 m
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Parc de Saleccia

Discover Corsican and Mediterranean vegetation staged by a landscape gardener. A unique 7-hectare nature walk. A true moment of relaxation, discovery and sharing, with friends or family. Various activities and events.
On the seafront, at the gateway to L'Ile-Rousse, come and visit an exceptional 7-hectare landscaped site.
Through its botanical circuit, you'll discover the "Art of gardening in the heart of the Corsican maquis". The quintessence of a land is expressed here. Corsica can be explored, smelled and admired through all the plants of its maquis and the vestiges of an ancient agricultural activity.

As you walk among olive trees, cypresses and oleanders, the whole of the Mediterranean is sublimated in an exceptional setting. Opened to the public in spring 2005 and classified as a "Remarkable Garden", the Saleccia park is a place of relaxation, discovery and inspiration; for lovers of gardens in Corsica and the South, it is an example of what a landscape revisited by man can offer.
Garden restaurant (local and organic home-made produce).
Large children's play area, tree houses. Quiz for children. Farm animals. Aviaries. Educational beehive.
Workshops, events for children and adults.
We can organize your wedding, baptism or seminar in the heart of Saleccia Park.

Tour génoise de Losari

This Genoese tower dating from the late 16th century was built by Angelo Aijcardo on a headland 26 metres above sea level. It can be reached via a footpath near the Casa di Losari, and a flight of steps takes you to the top of the tower to enjoy a 360° panoramic view.

Couvent Saint Dominique

Saint-Dominique convent was founded in 1456 by two Franciscan priests of the Observantine Order. After being destroyed during the Revolution, the Dominicans rebuilt it as a place of study. It is now occupied by the community of Saint John.
The convent of Saint Francis of Aregno was founded by the Friars Minor of the Observance in 1456, representing one of the oldest convents of the Franciscan province of Corsica. During the French Revolution, the conventual property became "national property. From 1857 to 1864, the Dominicans set about rebuilding the convent. The Dominicans restored it as a school for the children of the region. Later, it was equipped with a college of philosophy and theology for religious students from the province of PARIS. After the separation of church and state, the Dominicans were expelled and the building became the property of the commune of Corbara. Left abandoned, German and Austrian prisoners were placed inside. Then, in 1927, the convent returned to the hands of the Dominicans for 66 years. In 1993, the friars of St. John took over the convent after the departure of the former friars. Pasquale de Paoli took advantage of his numerous stays there to gather his friends and advisors from the Balagne region. Famous people have stayed there such as De Didon, Peyrefitte, Roncalli and Maupassant. It is thus a real emblem for the town of Corbara.

Notre Dame du Lazio

Notre Dame du Lazio in Corbara is an ancient sanctuary of Balagne. It dates from the Middle Ages and was rebuilt towards the end of the 18th century.

La Pietra Lighthouse

The Pietra lighthouse marks the entrance to Corsica's north-western coastline. It marks the end of your visit to the island of Pietra, where you can admire a magnificent view of the hinterland and the Balagne seaside.
A wonderful walk!
It dates from the 3rd quarter of the 19th century, during the reign of Napoleon III. It is built on the highest point of the island of La Pietra, linked by a dike to L'Ile-Rousse. It marks the entrance to Corsica's north-western coastline. The lighthouse known as "La Pietra" was part of the second wave of lighthouses to be built in Corsica, along with the lighthouse at Ajaccio. The current lighthouse is a square tower, centered on a square base, in smooth masonry, painted white, with the lantern painted green. A janitor's cottage is attached. It is powered by solar panels. It is automated and cannot be visited.

Discover the island of La Pietra and its lighthouse, recently embellished and in the process of being planted. Enjoy the beautifully landscaped promenade and marvel at the spectacular panoramic views over the town, the Balagne villages and the majestic surrounding mountains.

Whether you're a nature lover or a fan of breathtaking views, this must-see site in L'Ile-Rousse is sure to please.

Tour ronde de L'Isula Grande

This military building from the 16th century features a round tower whose purpose was to ward off attacks from the Barbaresque corsairs. It was restored in the early 1980s.

Place Paoli

Created in 1834 and inaugurated in 1852, this pleasant square is the heart of the town. Surrounded by ancient plane trees, it is an inviting spot featuring a fountain known as "the pump" which is decorated with statues, including a bust of the town's founder, Pasquale de Paoli.

Statue of Pasquale Paoli

In L'Ile-Rousse, the bust of Pasquale Paoli takes centre stage on the square of the same name. Paoli founded this town during the Corsican Revolution. He is the father of a democratic constitution, a national hero whose wisdom shone out across Europe.

Eglise de la Miséricorde

Commonly known as "Monks' church", it was built between 1825 and 1850 by Tony Cardella, the great Corsican master of the 19th century. Some of his paintings can be found inside, including his "Stations of the Cross".

Former Franciscan Convent

In 1853, the people of L'Ile-Rousse wanted their own community of the children of Saint Francis. The house adjoined the Church of Mercy and for a time was the town's only place of worship. It houses the private school of Notre Dame.

Eglise paroissiale de l'Immaculée Conception

Built in 1887 to replace the old parish church of Le Scalu and its successor, Notre Dame la Miséricorde, which had become too small. This church was more spacious and occupied a more central position in the expanding town.

Marché couvert

Built in 1844 by the mayor, Mr Piccioni, essentially to replace the outdoor market. The region's producers can be found here every morning.

Military barracks

Now the Town Hall, this building built in 1763 by Pasquale de Paoli was occupied by the military headquarters of L'Ile Rousse and the King's lieutenance, at the initiative of the Count of Vaux.
It was a military estate until 1904, when it was called the General Ambert barracks. Then, the mayor of the time, President Gavini, bought it and one day made it the seat of the town hall and the social services. The gabelous had their post in this old barracks (today the town hall) as well as a shelter at the bottom of the small cove under the Pietra lighthouse. This building was marked not so long ago on the staff maps. However, it was rebuilt and is now used as a marine archaeology shed.

La Poudrière - Tour du Scalu

The old gunpowder magazine named Tour du Scalu stands on the current Place de la Mairie. Refurbished in 2012, it was built in the 17th century when it went by the name of Tour des Fabiani. It was a salt warehouse before becoming a gunpowder magazine and, finally, a prison.

Place du Canon

This square takes its name from the spring, Di U Canone. The wash house built around the spring is no longer in use. Succumb to the charm of the blue-shuttered houses and the traditional biscuit factory.

Môle et Quai d'Orléans

Le Scalo is an old natural fishing port that's commonly known as the "fishermen's jetty". So it's no surprise that the structure has always had close links with the fishermen's market located at the bottom of Rue Notre Dame. This market was refurbished in 2002.

Institut des Filles de Marie

Le Scalo port is an ancient, natural fishing port commonly known as the "fishermen's jetty". The structure has indeed always had close links with the fishermen's market located at the bottom of Rue Notre Dame and which was renovated in 2002.

Le Palazzu Piccioni

The Piccioni palace is the highest and one of the most famous buildings in the town of L'Ile-Rousse. Magnate Sebastien Piccioni, dissatisfied with a mere town-centre abode, ordered the construction of this veritable château which is now the Hôtel Napoléon.

Quai d'Orléans

The Mermaid by Corsican artist Gabriel Diana is a lost-wax cast bronze sculpture of human dimensions. Competing beautifully with her Copenhagen counterpart, A Sirenella sits on a granite rock close to the shore.

Eglise San Sebastianu

This Roman church was destroyed in the 16th century by the King of Algiers and rebuilt in the 17th century. In 1887, the exterior was enhanced. The church boasts a tower with 3 bells and a listed painting which has been restored.

Saint Francis Chapel

Of Baroque style, it dates from the latter half of the 17th century. The dome was added in the 18th century. The chapel was built at the initiative of a Jesuit priest who wanted to protect the population from its enemies. San Roccu day is celebrated here every year on 16 August.

Former parish of San Quilico

Built in the 11th century, this Romanesque chapel was stripped of its sacred objects and religious ledgers during an incursion of the Turks who then burnt and destroyed it. Its only nave has been consolidated with what little was left of the ruins.
Several attempts have been made to restore and consolidate it, which has not been easy since the chapel was seriously damaged by the transformations it underwent around the 17th century (apse cut off, extended nave). There is an "arca" inside, as evidenced by the marble plaque on which is engraved "ANNO 1686 DEL MONTICELLO". There are also funeral plaques of the oldest inhabitants of Monticello.

Chapel of the Confraternity of Saint Charles de Borromeo

Built in the 17th century, it boasts a remarkable decor with a smooth, shiny appearance thanks to the use of ground marble. The interior frieze is superbly decorative. The walls are covered in timber which forms two benches on either side of the entrance.


Protected by the VMF built heritage label, this 17th-century private mansion is the Fabiani Malaspina palace and was the home of Pasquale Paoli from 1790 to 1796. One of its lounges is decorated in frescoes depicting 17th-century L'Isula Rossa. Napoleon Bonaparte also stayed here.

Tour de Pianosa

Also known as Cala Rossa or Di Tre Moline, the tower was built in the 16th century by the Genoans, 36 metres above sea level and the little cove of Algaja.

Eglise paroissiale Santa Reparata

The Parish of Santa Reparata is located on a spur where the church and bell tower stand tall. They were built during the 16th and 17th centuries, most probably on the site of an older building of which only the apse and the south wall of the choir still remain.

Eglise San Roccu d'Occiglioni

This 18th-century Baroque-style church is dedicated to San Roccu. Every 16 August, in honour of the saint, the population gathers "in allegria" for two days of celebrations and a torchlit procession.

Confrérie Sant'Antone

The friary of Sant'Antone, behind Santa Reparata church, was built in 1600 and restored in 2005. In 1618, it was fitted with wooden stalls made by the Genoese master, Joannes Andreas Lucchini, and frescoes were painted on the ceilings.

San Bernardinu Chapel

The chapel belongs to the municipality and stands on the edge of Santa Reparata on the road to Monticello. Dating from the 17th century, it is dedicated to the illustrious Franciscan preacher from Tuscany. San Bernardinu is celebrated on 20 May.

Chapel of the Annunciation

Dating from the 18th century, it was originally an oratory. It features some marble frescoes and a superb wooden sculpture of Christ by Antoine Franceschini, a village craftsman who also had the gift of healing. The roof was restored in 2003.

Les quatre tours

During the Middle Ages, the fiefdom of Santa Reparata surrounded the old castle and four towers of Palmentu. The oldest of the towers dates back more than a thousand years. Two of them are still partially visible and have been converted into housing.

Ruines du Couvent Notre Dame des Anges

Built by Capuchin monks in 1606, it was abandoned during the Revolution.


In the heart of Balagne, on one of Corsica's most beautiful bays, an unforgettable experience awaits you at L'Ile-Rousse, the ideal place to explore and unwind.



Monticello is a small, picturesque village built amid olive trees around a lovely little square where the locals love to gather for a game of boules or to sip a cool beverage on the terrace of the bar.

Santa Reparata di Balagna

Santa Reparata straddles the hills of Santa Suzanna and the Mont Sant'Angelu. Take your pick, between the blue-green blend of the Palazzi Valley and L'Ile-Rousse Bay, or the wooded countryside of the green Reginu Valley.

