Circuit 55. GRP® TVO : Variante Cabane d'Arriutort - Bilhères
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Route opened

If you are looking for wild mountains and the feeling of being away from it all, this magnificent variant on the Ossau Valley loop is for you. It is aimed at experienced hikers who love routes with the added challenge of orientation and reading the terrain.

Nowadays, with some species on the verge of extinction, hunting in the mountains is strictly regulated. Bears, wolves, lynxes and birds of prey are protected. The isard, the capercaillie and the ptarmigan are hunted according to a hunting plan which allocates a certain number of animals to be killed by commune over a short period in autumn. Marmot hunting is not a tradition in the valley, and the animal is ignored. As for pigeons, hunters build blinds on the passes where they stay while waiting for them to pass. Hunting in the mountains has its enthusiasts, and they would never miss a season.

The characteristics of the route.
Cabane d'Arriutort (64)
  • Distance 18.3 km
  • Elevation gain 540 m
  • Elevation lost 1430 m
  • Min. elevation 648 m
  • Max. elevation. 1786 m
  • Duration (depending on pace) 6h
  • Marking GRP®

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PDF_Files_Hiking55_Cabane d'Arriutort Bilhères Rando Ossau 55 - GRP TVO - Variante Cabane d'Arriutort - Bilhères
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