Advice Ogresse workshop
Session #4 - July


Objectives of the session :

  • Reduce the risk of injuries (tendon, muscular, joint, traumatic, etc.).
  • Don't waste time during a race or even save it !
  • The muscular and cardiovascular effort is completely different compared to the climb or the flat and recovery zones: therefore complete your technical range to be more effective overall during a race.
  • Allow you to descend well to be muscularly sparing.
  • Recovering from a rise in cardiovascular level.

Coaches’ advice :

  • Look ahead and anticipate your stride based on natural elements.
  • Carry your body weight slightly forward Let yourself go to be economical and take advantage of the slope Take very quick, short strides (high cadence) !
  • Don't brake! · Do not be afraid !
  • Think about posture: look straight ahead, stand up straight, center of gravity forward.
  • Breathe well.
  • Eccentric quadriceps strengthening outside of these workouts will help you get down well.
Session #3 - June

Climb - Short intervals 3X 4X (1’ Climb / 30’’ Descent) - Recovery 3' downhill

What are the climbing techniques?

There are 3 main climbing techniques: running (increase pace and reduce amplitude), powerhike (hands on thighs), and fast hike (with arms swinging at the side of the body).

Objectives of the session:

  • Improve stride uphill
  • Mental toughness.
  • Keep the same pace on the climbs
  • Increase power on hills over the long term
  • Cardiorespiratory interest (split uphill)
  • Muscle strengthening

Coaches’ advice:

Repeat the exercise according to your level or shape: 1 to 4 series. Think about the posture: look straight ahead, stand up, center of gravity forward.

Session #2 - May

Climb technical : 2 X (2 X 4') Uphill - Downhill recovery

What are the climbing techniques?

There are 3 main climbing techniques: running (increase pace and reduce amplitude), powerhike (hands on thighs), and fast hike (with arms swinging at the side of the body)

Objectives of the session

Improve uphill technique. Choosing the technique adapted to our running style, our initial sensations. of the hill (fatigue) or even the difficulty of the hill. Increase power on hills over the long term. Cardio-respiratory (hill split) and muscular (specific strengthening) interest.

Coaches’ advice

Possible variation on the exercise: do the first half of the ogress running for 4 repetitions then finish in a walking. technique (fast hike or power hike. Repeat the exercise depending on your level or shape: 2, 4, 6 or 8 repetitions. Think about posture: look straight ahead, stand up straight, center of gravity forward.

Séance #1 - April

What is myo cross max?

A training exercise combining cardio-respiratory intensity through hill work with muscular (pre)fatigue through isometric (static) contraction. It is therefore the association of a hill split with, for example here, the chair exercise leaning against a tree.

Objectives of the session

  • Develop cardiovascular capabilities
  • Increase muscular resistance and make muscle chains stronger, thereby reducing the risk of injury
  • Increase hill power over the long term
  • Getting used to running with muscle fatigue

Advice from coaches

  • Adapt the number of hill repetitions according to your level (6, 8, 12 or 15)
  • Think about other isometric exercises for the next sessions (maintained forward lunges, core, etc.)
  • Include this type of session in your training schedule every two weeks
